
Effective protection from noise for sustainable living: Urban Protection Shield® at Mühlenacker in Bremen

Immobilien Bremen – a company owned by the municipality of Bremen – is currently working on a project to transform the ‘Wohnheim Mühlenacker’ complex in Bremen, which was previously used as a hostel to provide temporary accommodation and which was formerly known as ‘Am Rastplatz’. The intention is to convert the building for permanent residence. The work to change the structure’s use to permanent accommodation included extensive construction measures that were particularly needed to fulfil building-regulation requirements, including protection from noise and a mobility concept.

And that’s exactly where our Urban Protection Shield® transparent noise-abatement façade came into its own. Our HERING Systeme team installed two noise-abatement façades with a total of 38 glass elements sourced from Kohlhauer on a total area of 136 square metres.

The two façades were attached to two parts of the building:

  •     The southern section: the structure possesses a width of 5.00 metres and a height of 9.00 metres.
  •     The northern section: the width here is 10.60 metres and the height 8.60 metres.


Our Urban Protection Shield® façade therefore constitutes an integral part of the building’s transformation and will help secure its future use as a residential home offering permanent accommodation.

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