
EMAS revalidation audit 2022 – success!

A further revalidation audit was carried out at the company this year due to the fact that new certificates confirming the successful participation in EMAS requires that environmental-management processes be audited in greater detail every three years. An external auditor from GüteZert inspected the environmental-management documentation and processes at HERING’s locations in Burbach and Sabrodt from 26 to 28 September 2002. Inspections were also carried out in person at the respective sites.

Results: Very good!

And, once again, it turned out that external scrutiny of the processes was beneficial; the expert was still able to suggest a few recommendations for improvement. But, overall, the measures that HERING has already implemented or initiated were awarded very high marks! The following aspects were highlighted in particular:

  • The new wood chip bunker
  • The new hazardous materials container for the storage of aspen
  • The completed rehabilitation of the drainage system
  • The new water-sealed storage facility for HERING Bahnbau
  • The current fleet that already boasts 44 hybrid vehicles, three electric and three hydrogen-powered cars
  • The charging infrastructure on the company premises

Attention was drawn to the new hall with PV system as well as the charging infrastructure and the new oil separator in Sabrodt, which were deemed to be particularly positive. A strong performance by all the colleagues involved. Now we’re eagerly awaiting the new certificate.


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