
HERING Architectural Concrete for Community Center in Marburg

The Catholic parish of St. Peter and Paul in Marburg is constructing a modern community center on the city’s cultural mile, combining functional requirements with architectural elegance. HERING Architectural Concrete was commissioned with the design, production, and installation of the approximately 1,080 m² façade. The goal is to create a striking presence in harmony with the neighboring Erwin Piscator House and surrounding cultural and educational buildings.

[Translate to English:] ©Andreas Lürding

Designed by RWS Architekten Fulda, the façade is made of reinforced concrete. Its acid-etched surface treatment gives it a bright and contemporary appearance. The irregular arrangement of columns forms a transparent curtain and serves as the visual highlight of the new building. This new center strengthens the church’s role in the public sphere, offering space for community gatherings and cultural events.

The result is truly impressive!



[Translate to English:] ©Andreas Lürding

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