
Implementing complex construction projects effectively: HERING’s hand-in-hand principle

HERING Systeme installed the Evolution 2020 roof over Platform 104/106 at Hanau’s main station while working hand in hand with HERING Bahnbau, which had been tasked with the work on the platforms. The canopy for this project measures 130 metres. Glass elements above the stairs provide even more light and safety in this area.

HERING’s hand-in-hand principle delivers maximum efficiency in regard to operating procedures – which is a great benefit for everyone involved.

The work is to be continued as early as spring 2022. That’s when the second roof – also an Evolution 2020 – is to be built over a length of 160 metres. HERING developed Evolution 2020 in close cooperation with Deutsche Bahn AG. The roof system has been standardised and optimised to allow it to be flexibly adapted to different local and structural conditions.

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