The method chosen for the redevelopment made this project special because, instead of just demolishing the old building, a more innovative approach was taken where the façade was positioned on its own foundation in front of the existing building. That made it possible to preserve the building’s old fabric while creating a modern and attractive façade at the same time.
Heavy-duty adhesive anchoring was used to securely connect the façade to the old building and create a stable and lasting connection between the façade and the existing building.
The decision to place the façade in front of the building and support it with the heavy-duty adhesive anchoring delivered several advantages. On the one hand, it allowed the original structure of the old building to be preserved, which was of great importance from a historical and aesthetic point of view, while on the other, it meant that a costly demolition was not necessary. That allowed the renovation work to be carried out on an efficient and cost-effective basis.
The project is an example of how innovative renovation methods may be employed to preserve the architecture of old buildings while modernising them at the same time.