Starting signal for WC facility at ZOB Berlin – Central Bus Station Berlin

The ZOB Berlin – often also called the IOB (Internationaler Omnibusbahnhof Berlin – International Omnibus Station Berlin) – is located directly at the trade-fair and exhibition centre in Berlin-Charlottenburg and, with its 27 stops for regular long-distance bus and occasional coach services, is considered a hub for trips to Eastern Europe. Around 55 bus companies regularly use the ZOB Berlin today. The number of journeys to and from the station has risen from around 65,000 a year in 2012 to around 175,000 in 2024 and continues to rise.

We were already in touch with ‘Urbanis GmbH’, a subsidiary of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG – Berlin Transport Companies), which is responsible for marketing BVG land, in 2016. The plan was to replace the outdated WC facility with a new and modern one. We had developed a concept at the time and had proposed to implement it as an investment and operating model.

The project was then delayed for various reasons. But we, i.e. our sales manager Dirk Kampa, kept in touch with BVG.

The construction of the new WC facility was finally put out to tender following several additional concepts and more planning in autumn 2023:

A ladies’ WC area with eight WC cubicles and four washbasins, a men’s WC area with six WC cubicles, seven urinals and four washbasins, as well as a barrier-free unisex WC and a shower room with WC are to be created on a total area of 143 square metres. We then took over the prepared area for construction to commence initial work in February 2024. Arne Georg is responsible for site management.

The facility is expected to be completed in late summer and will then be available to the countless users. We’ll continue to keep you up to date.


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