
Successful foundation ground rehabilitation in Würzburg by HERING Gleisbau

Our team was busy working on the comprehensive rehabilitation of the foundation ground at the construction site in Würzburg from 5 April to 3 May 2024. We had already renewed the track superstructure at that location two years previously.

The track superstructure was first removed in 60-metre sections and stored on its side. The bedding and substrate were then removed and loaded on to material-conveying silo carriages. The excavated material was deposited nearby for interim storage before finally being disposed of.

The material used to replace the excavated soil was installed in several layers and covered with KG1 sub-grade protection. This was followed by work to adapt the existing deep drainage system. The new ballast was laid in accordance with the installation plan and the track panels made from construction rails were also put in place. The tracks were tamped and aligned after the filling ballast had been installed.

The tracks were then welded and the paths along the side restored. We’re proud of the successful implementation of this project and look forward to future challenges.

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