Automatic public toilets: News from Hering

Key Feature of the First Dedicated ARAL pulse EV Charging Park
New Restroom Facility for the Camper Site at the Niederfinow Boat Lift
Installation of the WC facility at ZOB Berlin – Central Bus Station Berlin
New rail & fresh facility for the long-distance railway station at Düsseldorf Airport
Rehabilitation of PWCs on Baden-Württemberg’s motorways
Milestone at the large-scale ‘Munich 42’ project
Well served at the leisure park
First WC orders called from the Cologne AWB framework agreement
Toilet as an eye-catcher for tourists? That works!
Milestone for sustainability – e-charging park opened in Chemnitz
Rudolstadt – listed building with built-in WC
Starting signal for WC facility at ZOB Berlin – Central Bus Station Berlin
CWC toilet facility: Official opening in Munich
Two WC facilities for e-charging parks in Haiger and Chemnitz
Düsseldorf 45 project – ‘Toilets for everyone’ opened
Perfect protection from graffiti with protect & clean®
New look for parking-lot WCs
Anti-graffiti coating: no chance for graffiti
Striking, different: graffiti art adorns WC facility
WC facility at the Brucher Dam receives award for accessibility
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