The Musikhaus ‘Karostar’ is located in St. Pauli, Hamburg’s creative district. It’s a project that’s unique across the world as it’s home to 33 offices, production studios and shops that provide space for young entrepreneurs from the music industry to work in. The Karostar and the old buildings today enclose the new piazza, the so-called ‘Musikplatz’, which now constitutes the hinge between the ‘Karo’ and ‘Schanzen’ districts of the city. The square with its red wooden benches serves as a social space for users and neighbours as well as an open stage.
HERING planned, produced and installed the façade made of reinforced concrete for this extraordinary project. Architectural concrete was used for the curtain elements; these were manufactured with an undulating matrix structure that was given an acidified finish. The colour red was selected as the colour component.