The contract for designing, manufacturing, delivering and installing the façade at the Wilhelm Hauff School in Darmstadt-Eberstadt, Hesse, was awarded to our team at Hering Architectural Concrete | HAC in summer 2021.
The façade extends over an area of 2,500 square metres and has been realised with reinforced concrete. Its appealing beige colour scheme and smooth finish have made it a genuine eye-catcher. The project was brought to a successful conclusion in April 2023.
The innovative method of rehabilitation makes this project special. We chose to take a revolutionary approach instead of just demolishing the old building: the new façade was positioned in front of the existing building and placed on its own foundation. That made it possible for us to preserve the building’s historic fabric while creating a modern and attractive façade. We used a heavy-duty adhesive anchoring system to securely connect the façade to the old building and ensure a stable and lasting connection.
This project serves as an outstanding example of how it’s possible to employ innovative methods of rehabilitation while preserving the architecture of old buildings and modernising them at the same time.