HERING Grundstücksgesellschaft owns 3,700 square metres of forest in Burbach-Holzhausen, which is located in a bird sanctuary and thus represents an important component within the local ecosystem. An infestation of bark beetles had forced the company to completely clear the spruce forest that had been growing on this site until 2022. HERING consulted with the forester and consequently decided to plant a mixed deciduous forest to encourage biodiversity and improve the ecological condition of the cleared forest.
A tree-planting event during which a total of 600 young trees were planted was held on 14 April 2023: European beech, cherry, sycamore and Norway maple were the species for chosen for the renaturation measure. The 25 volunteers and motivated helpers from all areas of the company were delighted to take part in the campaign.
Beautiful weather, five hours of hard work and lots of pride and excitement about having been able to make a contribution towards helping nature!
An application for ecopoints was also made, which will result in the HERING Grundstücksgesellschaft being credited with 7,400 ecopoints once the renaturation measure has been completed.
A sign of sustainability and environmental protection!