HERING Architektural Concrete | HAC
Glass concrete

Glass concrete

Glass aggregates in architectural concrete

The use of glass concrete opens up new possible architectural designs: Filigree façades made with fair-faced concrete and glass aggregates that sparkle in the light or high-quality flooring made with fair-faced concrete – large formats in particular impress with eye-catching splashes of colour.

Integration of glass in fair-faced concrete

HERING has joined forces with the University of Siegen to research a method of producing durable and stable concrete formulations to which genuine glass has been added. Over the course of the tests that it carried out, the team of scientists found the optimum mixing ratio: Eight of the tested types of glass are suitable for practical use and meet the requirements set out in the DAfStb Alkalirichtlinie (Part 2), which is the alkali guideline issued by the Deutsche Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (DAfStb – German Committee for Reinforced Concrete). The formulation that uses concrete and glass that was developed by HERING also meets the criteria for load-bearing concrete components that have been defined in DIN 1045. All tested types of glass are suitable for the different methods of surface treatment. That’s why glass concrete opens up comprehensive aesthetic design options for architects and planners. Our experts specialising in concrete would naturally be happy to assist you in the planning of your building.

Big picture:
Sample concrete slabs with glass aggregates.
Photo: BetonBild.


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