Trucker toilets

At around 75%, HGVs are by far the most commonly used form of freight transport in Germany. But long-distance drivers sometimes need a toilet and shower too. And the sanitation facilities required are often short in supply. Future-thinking logistics companies offer HGV drivers separate toilet and shower facilities, which need to fulfil particular requirements with respect to vandalism, functionality and service life.

Trucker WCs from HERING Sanikonzept are separate buildings with a robust concrete construction. The design, size and equipment are adapted to the individual requirements. They can be with toilet cubicles, urinals, showers squat toilets or universal, you can design your trucker toilet however you want.


  • Staff toilets for transport and logistics companies
  • Toilets with or without shower
  • Squat toilet and universal toilet for international visitors


  • Turnkey construction
  • Longevity based on robust concrete construction and vandalism-resistant design
  • Sensor-activation (water, soap, hand dryer)
  • Accessed by keys or tokens
  • Seamless artificial resin floor
  • With optional shower, squat toilet, universal toilet and automatic cleaning modules

Public toilet facilities from HERING: Projects

Key Feature of the First Dedicated ARAL pulse EV Charging Park
New Restroom Facility for the Camper Site at the Niederfinow Boat Lift
Installation of the WC facility at ZOB Berlin – Central Bus Station Berlin
New rail & fresh facility for the long-distance railway station at Düsseldorf Airport
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