Toilets for all

Toilet solutions for people with severe disabilities

Disabled toilets can now be found in many places in Germany, but standard disabled toilets are not sufficient for people with severe or multiple disabilities. A “Toilet for all” based on the design from the “Leben pur” foundation offers these people and their carers the additional equipment required to use a toilet or change incontinence pads in a horizontal position. HERING Sanikonzept GmbH was impressed by the concept and has already implemented several of these systems.


In addition to disabled access toilets in accordance with DIN EN 18040, a “Toilet for all” also features the following:

  • Adjustable-height care bed (190 x 100 cm) with folding side bars
  • Ceiling or sit to stand lift
  • Sealable waste container
  • Room size of at least 12 m²
  • Optional: Shower toilet with privacy protection

Users can obtain access in the same way as all other disabled toilets, using a euro key.

Vorschaubild YouTube Video
rail&fresh Cologne

Solutions for people with severe disabilities:

A “Toilet for all” allows social participation for those with severe or multiple disabilities, it is social inclusion in practice.

Public toilet facilities from HERING: Projects

Key Feature of the First Dedicated ARAL pulse EV Charging Park
New Restroom Facility for the Camper Site at the Niederfinow Boat Lift
Installation of the WC facility at ZOB Berlin – Central Bus Station Berlin
New rail & fresh facility for the long-distance railway station at Düsseldorf Airport
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