Immediate mesures

HERING – there when you need it

You can depend on us. We are an experienced full-service provider for railway construction that operates an extensive, high-performance and modern fleet, which means that we are your contact in the event of incidents on the line. We always rise to the challenges promptly, competently and individually to develop tailored solutions within the framework of our core skills in the field of railway construction. Always in focus: ensuring the fastest possible resumption of regular operations while keeping shut-downs and downtimes to a minimum.

Damage to sidings? We will be there for you right away!

We have set up an emergency number to help you reduce your operational downtimes. We will repair damage to your sidings on request ‘immediately’. It takes just one call:

Hering emergency number:  +49 (1805) HERINGBAU

Calls from German landlines only cost 14 cents per minute (please note that the price for calls made from mobile networks will vary).

We offer the following immediate measures:

  • Track replacement
  • Sleeper replacement
  • Replacement of large switch parts
  • Replacement of track parts in switches
  • Tamping work (track, switch tamping machines)
  • Restoration of the bedding cross-section
  • Rail-road equipment
  • dv-assisted track and switch inspections using modern measuring equipment
Vorschaubild YouTube Video

Your benefits with HERING

  • Professional project management
  • Modern and powerful machinery
  • Experience and know-how for generations
  • Strong network of partners
  • Pre-qualified and immediately on hand

HERING Railway construction: Projects

Frankfurt Airport Long-Distance Station: Switch Modernization Complete!
Montabaur: Track Renewal on the Moschheim–Bannberscheid Line
Successful Heavy Crane Operations in Siegen Ost and Ferdinandshof
Completion of Construction Work at Meerbusch-Osterath Transport Station

One-stop track construction - cost-effective and reliable

Decades of experience and a strong network are the key to the successful realisation of your demanding projects in the field of rail construction: Be it rail or switch work, lineside civil-engineering performances or work on level crossings – rail-construction performances by HERING stand for qualified and cost-effective one-stop solutions that are both flexible and safe.

Why not get in touch with us? We’re always happy to help!

HERING sustainability

At HERING, we see ourselves as pioneers in the field of sustainability. As early as 1996, we were the first construction company in Germany to obtain EMAS certification. Every three years, we publish an environmental statement documenting our goals and how we have achieved them. Actually, for the first time, we published a sustainability report with an integrated environmental statement in accordance with EMAS - a logical next step in view of our ecological and social responsibility. It documents how we deal internally and externally with the issues that are essential to our future viability.

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