What does HERING Bahnbau do in winter?

This winter, the railway construction division used the time to conclude / continue the final work on two important construction sites from the previous year:

Remaining tasks in Andernach …

The remaining tasks from the main conversion project that was realised in April and May 2023 were carried out during the first two weeks of December 2023.
A buffer stop was installed on track 20 with the help of HERING’s own railway slewing crane. A 370-metre length of track was rebuilt on Track 15, which was where a weighbridge that was also dismantled, was also located. Paths were also installed on both sides of the track.

HERING Bahnbau with its rail construction, heavy-duty machinery and logistics divisions worked in two shifts during the project.

... and the Niederrad junction in Frankfurt

The colleagues from HERING Bahnbau have been working on finishing up the project at the Niederrad construction site since December 2023. A complex undertaking on a large construction site: It was necessary to make tamping equipment available in the period from December to the end of January. Manual replacement measurements were carried out and alarm values eliminated within the scope of this work. There was also still some work to be done in relation to the noise barriers: Soil excavation, installation of KG2 as a side path and the removal of the remaining size II cable ducts were on the to-do list.

The underground cable construction work also accompanied us throughout the entire construction phase: While the remaining tasks are being carried out, concrete cable ducts are also being installed as well as uncovered and re-covered and old cables are being dismantled while others are being relocated.

This construction project is expected to be completed at the end of May 2024.

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