HERING Architectural Concrete | HAC
Matrix formwork technology

Matrix formwork technology

HERING employs matrix formwork technology to open up design options for concrete finishes that would have otherwise been previously unimaginable. The appropriate colour, grain and possible surface finishes with individual or prefabricated textured formwork are selected in close cooperation with principals and architects. There are almost no limits to your creativity!

Vorschaubild YouTube Video
Facade production for RECKLI

Creative surface designs to impress

The use of special formwork skins produces unusual looks for architectural concrete finishes. Here, HERING either uses pre-made matrix formwork or creates its own individual designs in accordance with your specifications. HERING produces matrices of the surface structures which are placed in the formwork and as a result give the concrete its individual structure. The architectural effect that can be achieved on buildings with architectural concrete façades that have been realised using the matrix-formwork technology is unique.

Big picture:
Base cladding made of exposed concrete elements using so-called formliner technology.
Project: RAG Headquarters, Essen, DE.
Photo: BetonBild. Architect: Bahl Architekten, Hagen, DE

News: Innovative facing solutions

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