Roll the film: Modern architecture meets sustainable energy generation

Photovoltaics that have been incorporated into the façades of buildings (BIPV) offer a huge potential for generating energy and is one of the keys to the energy transition. The SOLAR.con façade that uses exposed concrete combines aesthetically sophisticated design with the  integration of energy-efficient photovoltaics. An interdisciplinary team from industry (Hering Bau, sunovation) and science (Hochschule für Technik Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK – University of Applied Sciences), Technische Universität Dresden (University of Technology), Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics (CSP)) worked on the development of this concept from 2019 to 2022.

We’ve already spoken about our new product in a previous article and now we’re happy to present the SOLAR.con façade in more detail in a short film. The film gives viewers the opportunity to hear what the individual project participants have to say about the concept and the vision behind the exposed concrete façade with integrated PV modules. The participants also provide revealing insights into the technology, research and production process behind this innovative project.

But why not take a look for yourself?!

YouTube Video

Demonstrator façade in Burbach Holzhausen

The first SOLAR.con façade with an area of 45 square metres and 274 PV elements was completed by HRING in Burbach in spring 2023 and now supplies energy for the company’s new training centre with a nominal output of 1.38 kWp.

The PV elements were incorporated into seven prefabricated elements that were manufactured from recycled concrete at HERING’s prefabrication plant. The flexible adaptability of the modules’ shuttering moulds made it possible to integrate the elements with precision. Cost comparisons with conventional concrete façades indicate potential for optimisation, particularly in the areas of design planning and the arrangement of the modules.

The different designs and colours that are available demonstrate how versatile the SOLAR.con façade is. A linear version is also available in addition to the hexagonal version. The four-centimetre-thin textile concrete panels make this product particularly suitable for existing buildings and impresses with its more cost-effective implementation, which results from its lower complexity. The façade opens up a wide range of design options while, at the same time, making its contribution to the sustainable generation of energy.


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