The work flow:
The project commenced with the manufacture and delivery of around 1,600 square metres of platform slabs, which STRABAG Rail had installed on Platform 6/7. Work on the construction of the 90-metre-long platform roof on this track began in the middle of August and was completed by the middle of September 2020.
A 160-metre-long roof was erected over an area of around 3,000 square metres on Platform 4/5 from the end of November 2020 to February 2021. This process was repeated for Platform 2/3 from the end of May until the middle of 2022.
The greatest challenge faced during this project was the installation of the platform roof on Platform 1: on the one hand, the roof needed to allow for a lift to go through it, while, on the other, it needed to be installed very close to the station building.
HERING will be delivering the final 1,000 square metres of slabs for Platform 1 in November this year.