
Everything from a single source: complex construction project by the Hering Group at the Hungen train station

Hering Bau GmbH & Co KG and Hering Bahnbau GmbH worked hand in hand from September 2016 to June 2017 on the Hungen train station. The Frankfurt branch of developer DB Station & Service AG had first commissioned Hering Bahnbau GmbH with the complete conversion of the train station.

The extensive works included the demolition and rebuilding of the main and central platforms and staircases, as well as the construction of two lifts and an extension of the pedestrian underpass with sidewalls. The scope of this extension was made off-site and set into its final position using building guides. The foundations for the walls of the pedestrian underpass required the use of HDI procedures. Furthermore the existing pedestrian underpass was also renovated. The scope of the construction work also included the fitting of new lighting systems by Hering employees.

Hering Bau GmbH & Co. KG then wrapped it all under one roof, or as the case may be here, under two Bodenheim light roofs, each 22 metres long. The canopy that extends over the central platform was built, followed shortly after by the installation of the roof over the main platform

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