
HERING noise barrier installed above the ‘Wilde Gera‘

As part of the ‘Lärmsanierung an bestehenden Schienenwegen der Eisenbahnen des Bundes’ (‘Noise remediation on existing railway lines operated by the federal government’), we are installing four noise barriers (three metres above track level) along a stretch of around two kilometres in the Bischleben district of Erfurt for the Deutsche Bahn. HERING’s noise-abatement team has as previously reported been working in the Bischleben district of Erfurt since September 2020.

The most recent structure is the 50-metre- long HERING noise barrier on the Geratal bridge. The structure spans the ‘Wilde Gera’, an 85-kilometre-long tributary to the River Unstrut.

The installation work presented a particular challenge in that it was necessary to carry it out from the front: it was only possible to set the posts after the scaffolding had been suspended in place. The aluminium elements were then lifted into position by a road-rail excavator once the scaffolding had been removed.

Every stage of the work was carried out in consultation with and under the supervision of the nature-conservation authorities as this section of land is part of a water-conservation area.

(Photos: Andreas Hultsch)

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